I Enjoy Music is a blog about music run by Molly Mary O'Brien. Here you will find many thoughts and opinions about music. Topics may include: new music, old music, music that is neither old nor new, music technology, musical commerce, music labor, music news, hey check out this song, this is my favorite album for [situation], interviews with music people, music playlists, movies about music, TV about music (music television), music videos, music nostalgia, music feelings, music vibes, favorite music.
The vibes
will be generally good, I think. No gatekeeping, no gratuitous hateration, no chasing virality 4 virality's sake. Always crediting where credit is due, and maximum transparency. Extra ❤️ and care for independent and DIY artists. Music is for enjoying. Let's listen to some good tunes.
for reading! And get in touch if you want to send me your music or your feelings: ienjoymusicblog [at] gmail [dot] com.