behind the music video with ET Boys ("Far Away")

behind the music video with ET Boys ("Far Away")

I Enjoy Music of course, but I also Enjoy all the art that goes with them: Album Art, Single Art, Promo Photos, and of course Music Videos.

Today we've got a lil interview with from ET Boys, a South Florida-based alt pop duo of brothers Tacboy (who writes lyrics and sings) and Sharkeyes (who composes and produces their tracks). The group recently put out a single called "Far Away" that snagged my attention immediately—it has a strong '80s vibe with plenty of heavy synths, bold vocals and bombastic guitar playing, and sounds like something you would blast from a convertible with an unconventional paint job rolling leisurely but decisively down Collins Avenue on the way to get a $26 double vodka Red Bull at a beachfront bar. I'm on record as saying exuberance is a key quality for music that wants to make an impression, and "Far Away" puts it all out there in an irresistible way.

Joined by guitarist/synth player Monsie, who was recently featured in a special "ET BOYS ICEBATH INTERVIEW" on their IG, Tacboy and Sharkeyes star in the "Far Away" video, directed by Daniela Valerio aka @DuniBunni. The vibe is lo-fi and casual—a simple backyard hang on a humid-looking Florida day. But hints of eccentricity appear throughout: a masked drummer, a brief pause for a roadside fishing jaunt, a synthesizer strapped to a guitar, keytar-style?? It's an unexpectedly nonchalant visual for such a decadent-sounding song. And Tacboy answered a few questions about the video over email...below...answers...

[Molly Mary O'Brien] First off...this song rules. Will you tell me about your songwriting process + how "Far Away" came to be?

Thank you so much - not really a process but usually my brother just sends me ideas/melodies and I just record my melodies to it. Sometimes I have things written sometimes I don’t. I actually don’t remember making "Far Away" I must have been gone and extremely down bad as the kids say.

How did you get linked up w/ your director? What was it like working with her?

Haha that is not a director that’s my gf. She does all the cover art for us. Working with her is the worst jkjk. 

the single art for "Far Away," by Daniela Valerio

Where did you film the video?

South FL - Miami -  Coral Gables to be exact.

How do you psych yourself up for a video shoot day? Any tips or tricks for pulling off a great shoot?

Just drank a bit before to get into character. It might as well be the same as hanging out with your friends.

I dig the lo-fi vibe of the footage...did you have any particular visual inspiration for the video? 

Pop-punk videos or early Soundcloud music videos. I really dig the non-over-produced vibe. 

As a lover of keytar (I have a running blog feature where I interview keytarists) I have to ask about strapping the synth to the back of the guitar...was this a gameday decision, or is this a usual setup for your guitarist/synth player?

Hahahah def a spur-of-the-moment decision we didn’t have much planned. I mean my mic was duct taped on and Monsie’s guitar strap was a wire. Let’s be real though it adds character.

Do you have a favorite music video of all time?

First Date - Blink-182

Finally, a Can Check - what are you drinking in the video?

I think that was a strong zero straight from Japan. They are incredible.

here I was thinking I knew about all beverages...this one is new to me, and looks refreshing

Thank you ET Boys! Check out their sweet website.

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