Fierce Invalids "tw i ste d / h ard li nes"

Had a treat in the mailbag today. By "mailbag" I mean my instagram DMs, and by a "treat" I mean a link to some new tunes from the band Fierce Invalids:

It's a neat pairing: track 1 is "tw i ste d," a stately, chunky punk tune with a big bouncy chorus about a fraught relationship ("Don't get it twisted / I think you're twisted / Couple of screws loose / I think I missed it"); track 2 is "h ard li nes," a gloomier number that draws a squiggly line between pop punk, math rock, screamo and goth-y cabaret. Two songs with a lot of range between them — if you're looking for something sour and bracing to add to your sound collection, look no further.
But also, because at I Enjoy Music it's never really just about the music, I must highlight Fierce Invalids' off-kilter typographical strategy, which brings the ramshackle kerning of the single titles right into the liner notes:

Oh yeah!! As a child of AIM, I am always down for freakin' it, type-wise, within the confines of HTML. Bold + unorthodox + fully supported by moi!
Enjoy the Fierce Invalids Linktree right here.